Reasons why your Free Instagram Followers Leave

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Hey there, are your free Instagram followers dropping like every day? I think we are sailing on the same boat here. Yes! What I mean is that I have also been there. Sometimes back, I just noticed that I was gaining like for example 10 followers, and some minutes later I find out I was losing like half of the number I gained. For these reason I had to do some research to help me keep my free Instagram followers and what I found might also be of help to you. Just read on and see some of the reasons you are losing your followers and be on the safe side.

#1 you are using bots

In case you don’t understand what these are, they are tools like Follow liker and Instagress that follow, like, comment and unfollow on your behalf. If you are using this tools you might be in the line of losing your free Instagram followers before you even realize it. Why am I saying this? This tools interact with your audience posing like you but the truth is that sometimes they may not engage fully with your followers and this is a big risk to losing them. Another thing, the Instagram is against such, and if you want to keep a good book with them then you must be warned against those bots.

#2 posting too much or inconsistently

This can also affect your free Instagram followers negatively. To retain those followers, consistency is the key. Why? Consistency does not only apply to Instagram but also to other social media platforms. If you post constituently you your audience will be used to your feeds. Just know the time you are able to reach your audience and posting at that particular time, they will get used to it and will be expecting to hear from you. On the other hand, you should be keen not to post too much. Don’t go posting like 6 posts per day this might annoy them and nothing will stop then from hitting that unfollow button. To be on the safe side, just post like 1 to 2 post per day.

#3 your first impression is not good

First impression, is always very important in almost everything. Job seekers know this best. Well, for Instagram users, this is as import as it is. Your first impression on your new follower will tell if they will remain or just leave. Just be keen not to mess it up

#4 the theme is lacking

The content and images you are sharing and posting will give your audience a hint of what you are all about and of course what they should be expecting from your feeds. If there is lots of mismatch in your posts, if they lack quality or your feeds are clunky with variety of different images, then you might lose even your potential Free Instagram follower. What this means is that you need feeds and images that are flowing effortlessly to catch the eyes of your audience.

These are, but a few reasons you need to look at to be able to rectify and keep your free Instagram followers coming in and not to leave in the next minute.

How to Gain Free Instagram Followers That Will Stay

The launching of Instagram has made the world into a smaller one, with an added Free Instagram Followers to boot.Reaching out to almost allits users has never been this fast, easy and fascinating .People from all walks of life can be one and can harmoniously interact with each other. Distance is no longer an issue, given the fact that the Free Instagram Followers can do wonders for the world over.

You can get connected to all sorts of people you admire, idolize or interested in, it could be work related, leisure, entertainment, politics, sports, movies, music or events that you follow likewise things they are engage in. However one among those are your preference to follow, but the biggest question is do they follow you back? Have any of these popular ones given you a thought to be followed back? I Kind of doubt it, But I’m certain your closest friends, family or colleagues could be your followers, though an afterthought would still flicker on your mind, do they stay following you?

The bigger picture draws the line on the number of followers you have, rather than the ones you are following. To keep your followers at bay, thefree Instagram Followers application will become yourbest friend for life.

If you are managing your business and your option is to online marketing and selling. You are opt for grabs with this lifesaver, it will enhance in gaining popularity in social networks especially for your accumulation of followers for your account.

What’s more important is that, social media account still requires to be maintained as well. Some of these Free Instagram followers’ applications offer a real time Instagram user.

Regardless of these features, the basics of being creative are the key to having an eye-catching social profile; contents of your stories must be engaging enough to promote an interactive reaction of your followers. Try to be intuitive of trending topics when sharing what’s on your mind. And don’t forget to use hastags that are uniquely fun or trendy, ones could work wonders as this could attract more followers.

Actively view influencer profiles, byvisiting this account and turning on postnotification, that way you can be readily updated of their activities and may give you a chance to interact and later be familiar to them.

And ultimately they can be one of your followers tolikeyour brands or accounts. It is a part of human nature to feel light hearted to be liked and be followed even on instagram but to standout on social mediawould make one ecstatic.

With too many to choose from this application, it is best to fully check each one by one.

Reviews will always be a helpful tool, so you must do your homework to get the information you needand pick which one suits your personal taste or which could be beneficial for your nook of business to products, brands or even services.

The Free Instagramfollower isan application that is conducive to keeping user’s interaction possible and followers to stay connected at all times.